Two women smile while they put together a doll.


Achieving efficiencies

Supporting ambitious efforts for more efficient operations

In 2020, the Development Coordination Office and the UN Department of Operational Support signed:

  • A regional-service-level agreement with five regional service providers, i.e. ESCAP, UNON, ESCWA, UNOG and ECLAC, to provide international travel, high-value procurement and consultant and international contractor support
  • A global-service-level agreement with the Global Services Center in Brindisi, Italy, to support asset management
  • A global-service-level agreement with the UN Office at Nairobi to support human resources administration and financial transactions

Resident Coordinator Offices took part in an in-situ pilot project to receive location-dependent services from Secretariat providers with a physical presence in their country


The remaining 115 Resident Coordinator Offices will begin to receive international travel services by the five regional service providers in July 2021.

In 2020, the Business Innovations Group handed over to the Development Coordination Office the lead to facilitate interagency implementation of efficiency commitments

Efficiency commitments include advancing  Business Operations Strategies, Common Back Offices and Common Premises

  • 78 UN Country Teams had a Business Operations Strategy in place by end of 2020, on track for full implementation by all UN Country Teams by the end of 2021
  • 10 UN Country Teams were engaged in the first phase of the roll-out plan for Common Back Offices, another 20 will be engaged in the second phase by end of 2021, and all UN Country Teams are expected to have established Common Back Offices by 2024
  • Co-locations in the same premises increased among the 44 integrated UN Information Centres with Resident Coordinator Offices, from 27 (61%) in 2019 to 28 (64%) in 2020; overall, over half of UN offices are located in common premises and over 40% of UN staff work in common premises

Annual efficiency gains are estimated to have increased by 57% between 2019 and 2020 to $100.7 million

    Viet Nam

    In 2020, the UN House surpassed numerous standards for sustainability, including through energy savings, water efficiency and improved air quality.

    A map of Asia with a marker indicating the location of Viet Nam.
    In 2020, the UN House surpassed numerous standards for sustainability, including through energy savings, water efficiency and improved air quality.