Jamaica (MCO)

Jamaica section banners shoes performers on stage during UN Day.
Photo: © UN Jamaica

    Multi-Country Office Countries and Territories

    The United Nations Multi-Country Office in Jamaica

    The Multi-Country Office for Jamaica, The Bahamas, Bermuda, The Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands, is located in Jamaica and works under the leadership of one United Nations Resident Coordinator, together with UN teams and partners, to advance sustainable development and cooperation in the Caribbean. 

    The UN Country Team (UNCT) in Jamaica carries out its brand promise of Delivering Results Together through a joint framework called the UN Multi Country Sustainable Development Framework (UN MSDF) in the Caribbean. The UN System in Jamaica will implement the UN MSDF for the Caribbean guided by a Country Implementation Plan (CIP) for Jamaica. The CIP operationalizes the higher level outcomes of the regional programme into concrete, measurable and time bound outputs and activities for Jamaica. CIPs running for one year periods are developed throughout the five-year life of the programme, starting in 2017 and ending 2021, setting out Jamaica’s year to year action on the UN MSDF. 

    The UNCT works in collaboration with the Government of Jamaica to implement the strategy, monitor impact and to ensure adequate resource allocation for programme delivery. Implementation and oversight of Jamaica’s CIP is coordinated by a Joint National/United Nations Steering Committee (JNCS) established under the leadership of the Government of Jamaica and the UN Resident Coordinator.

    To learn more visit the Jamaica MCO's website: https://jamaica.un.org

    UN Jamaica (MCO) Country Team

    Resident Coordinator Office
    UN Entities in Jamaica (MCO)

    UN Key Documents

    UNDAF/United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (CP)

    01 January 2023
    31 December 2023
    01 January 2024